Oh isn't the weather beautiful here in SUNNY Arizona!!! We have been riding our bikes to school this last week because of the nice weather and also because the girls hate riding the bus. Brendan has been going on these rides as well and is doing a great job riding his bike. He learned about a month ago how to ride without training wheels. Brendan is a very adventureous little kid he will try to do about anything. I guess he is a typical boy, but I am use to girls. Anyway, Shelly Chou ran over Brendan's (use to be pink bike) because he left it behind her car. So Paul hammered out the wheel and the thingamagig that the chain goes on, and it is working just fine. There is just a little swivel in the back tire which looks a little strange when you are riding behind him. So I was telling him about the swivel and he was not paying attention to the front of him (That kind of reminds me of his father) and he goes into the gravel and falls. So he is crying and saying that it was because of the rear wheel that he fell. I tried to explain to him that the front wheel is the one that would cause going into the gravel. He was not going to hear of it!!!! He just knew it was not his fault!!!! So we get to the school and he is still mad, which turns into him being mad at me, so I am trying to explain to him what caused it and he got furious.
Brooklyn then turns around and says mom stop causing a scene!! The thought came to my mind, "Oh here we go, she is embarrassed of her mother now!" So we get to where you park the bikes and she came over and gave me a love and kiss. I said, "I thought you were embarrassed of your mother and probably wouldn't want to show me affection in public. (Which honestly I wouldn't blame her I looked hideous) But she kissed me again and said Mom I love you! I thought it was so sweet. I will take anything a can get from that girl these days. With in seconds she will love me and hate me all in the same breath. So now maybe she isn't embarrassed of everything I do, but I am sure it is coming.